After repeated incidents of rape and murder of school students in Dhupguri, a Class II student was being brutally raped by a Trinamool worker in the adjacent block of Falakata. Incidentally, the accused Subrata Mondal, is also known to be a close aide of the local Trinamool MLA Anil Adhikary. As the SFI leadership led by its General Secretary and MP Ritabrata Banerjee visited the police station, they were shocked to find the duty officer off uniform in a drunken state. As the MP complained about the duty officer’s unnatural behaviour to the IC of Falakata P.S., he reluctantly arrived with the local Trinamool MLA and several other Trinamool leaders. Ritabrata Banerjee and the SFI leadership being irritated, left the hopes of justice from this administration and the students and youths organised road blockade in Falakata for an hour.

In the Dakshin Bairagi-r Danga Gram of Falakata Paschim mouza, the Class II student was playing outside her house on Wednesday. A youth allured her of giving ‘Chanachur’, and raped her brutally taking to a bush. She informed her parents of the incident the next day (Christmas) and showed her smeared genitals. She said that Subrata Mondal had done this, and also alleged that the Trinamool worker had also threatened to strangulate her to death if she lets anyone know about the incident. The parents of the child informed  a local woman CPI(M) member of the Falakata-1 Gram Panchayat, who advised them to lodge a complaint with the police on Friday morning. Though the Falakata Police took the victim to the local hospital, yet they refused to admit the panic-stricken girl in the Alipurduar District Hospital and sent her home. Though the Falakata police got hold of the accused, yet they refused to give the complainants a receipt copy of the complaint.

The SFI leadership including General Secretary and CPI(M) MP Ritabrata Banerjee, State Secretary Debojyoti Das and State President Madhuja Senroy had visited adjacent Dhupguri a few days earlier after a Class X student was being brutally raped and murdered. They instantly decided to reach Falakata on hearing the incident of child rape. On reaching hospital, they learnt that medical test has confirmed the rape, and they decided to visit the police station.

There was an A.S.I. and the Second Officer in the Falakata PS. The Second Officer, Niranjan Lama, was wearing a full-sleeved T-shirt and trousers. On entering the PS, the student leaders were greeted by stinky smell of liquor, with bottles placed on the table. The Second Officer was even unable to stand straight. He replied unnaturally to Ritabrata’s questions. Irritated, the MP said “You are doing duty in informal attire! You are drunk! You should undergo a medical test!” The MP called up the IC Dhruv Pradhan, who reluctantly reached there (after initial excuse of being busy) with the local Trinamool MLA Anil Adhikary and his associates. The MP reacted that there is no point talking to such an administration.

It has been learnt that the village women are afraid to come out in the streets alone because of the accused. His 2nd father-in-law is also an influential local Trinamool leader, who along with his son-in-law has invested money and labour to have the Trinamool candidate victorious in the assembly elections, as well as in panchayat and general elections. So the villagers are in doubt if the accused would be punished. The SFI leadership met the victim’s family and expressed their sympathy, and also resolved to fight for the justice.

The students and youths of Falakata reacted to the rape and indecent behaviour of police, and protested by blocking the road at Chowpathi of Falakata. After an hour, they withdrew and submitted the receipt copy of the complaint to the victim’s family. It was promised that actions would also be taken against the drunken Second Officer. Secretary of the SFI Alipurduar District Committee, Safiqul Rahman declared that student strike would be observed in Falakata block on Saturday, and protests would be organised throughout the district. Former MLA and minister from Falakata, and CPI(M) District Secretariat member Jogesh Barman stated that the police is acting as slaves to the Trinamool to save the criminals sheltered by the party. Alipurduar District CPI(M) Convenor Krishna Banerjee resolved that they would try their best to protect the victim’s family. SFI General Secretary and MP Ritabrata Banerjee said that he would inform the Home Minister about this dismal state of West Bengal Police.

From there, the SFI delegation went to Dhupguri where they met the two families whose daughters were gangraped and murdered.

26th December, 2014